Saturday 22 October 2011

Simple things.

I found a rogue book voucher left over from my birthday while tidying up, and when I went in  search of something new, I decided upon something old. This is one of my favourite books  that I read when I was part of a book club in Belfast. This is one of those books and authors that I have never tired of, and chances are high that you may have received this book as a present from me...

I love it when authors use words in unusual or unexpected ways, conjuring such accurate images in your mind, and Rohinton Mistry is the Sheriff of that town. One of my favourites is when he talked about how news of local scandal was "percolating" through the village. 

"A Fine Balance" is no easy book to read, set in India 40 years ago it seems to present life as it really was in India. This is no Hollywood version. But the heart behind the book and the excellent writing is what puts it up there for me, so I'm glad to be delving in once again, here's a sneak peek of the first few lines:

"The morning express bloated with passengers slowed to a crawl, then lurched forward suddenly, as though to resume full speed. The train's brief deception jolted its riders. The bulge of humans hanging out of the doorway distended perilously, like a soap bubble at its limit."

I also have another book token. Any suggestions?

Being struck by the vivid green of the grass outside the church that I work in. It was almost neon in the light of a cloudy day yesterday!

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